Physiotherapy Services

Provider: Vita Health Group

Description: For musculoskeletal issues, line managers can refer employees directly to our physiotherapy services, or employees can self-refer themselves.

If you are currently off sick or suffering with a musculoskeletal disorder at work, please refer to physiotherapy services as a matter of priority. All injuries sustained either in or out of work will be assessed by Vita’s in-house specialists and advice will be provided accordingly.

Contact Details / Referral Process:

Employees can self-refer for physiotherapy appointments by calling 0800 316 0066 or emailing a referral form to There is also a new live webchat option to increase accessibility and offer greater flexibility to service users who require non-clinical support. Live webchat supports with a variety of common requests including:

  • Processing of new service requests
  • Appointment management
  • General queries

Live webchat can be accessed by clicking the following link:

or scanning the QR code below: